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Soul in the Sea

Moko is a young male bottlenose dolphin with a big personality � he�s mischievous, clever, and engaging, with a fetish for stealing surfboards. Moko�s arrival in the small New Zealand coastal town of Whakatane changes Kirsty Carrington�s life irrevocably. The strong-minded single mother is drawn into the lone dolphin�s world and puts everything on hold to devote herself to becoming his companion and guardian. As Kirsty and the rest of the community fall in love with Moko and his popularity peaks, she begins to worry that he will suffer the same fate as other lone dolphins whose close interactions with people caused their early deaths. Some community members fear that he will be exploited but there is a much darker threat from fishermen and others who want him gone. Fears for Moko�s safety grow, and the judgment and anger brewing in the small community begins to erupt.

Episodic Synopsis available here Click to download

60 minutes

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