"Rendezvous With Simi Garewal" is an iconic Indian prime-time talk show that was rated No 1 in the TRPs during its 5 seasons on air. The fact that it continues to grow in popularity even today, with daily increasing views, now exceeding 104 million (at the rate of approx. 2 million a month) from 125 countries in the world - rates it as a phenomenon.
With ,Rendezvous', one of India's best-known celebrities, actress/filmmaker Simi Garewal, hosts a show well-suited to her talents. In a tone that is quiet and classy, and very deeply researched, she brings to bear her extensive experience in interviewing well-known personalities with a much-admired warmth and style that is uniquely her own. Delving in an in-depth, one-on-one conversation - it is a personal journey into the mind and emotions of a public person; the human being behind the legend. The personalities reveal their innermost hopes and fear, their emotional evolution, their loves., their regrets., their triumphs and tragedies...
With an incomparable mega-celebrity list ranging from leading industrialists, Sports stars, Bollywood Stars, Political Leaders to Music Maestros, Film makers and Royalty etc. 'Rendezvous' has set new standards in content, class and production values.
A five-camera set-up captures each revealing flicker of expression, lending a polished gloss to the program. The setting is idyllic and in Simi's signature white. The editing and the overall mounting are of the highest quality and professionalism, in keeping with in-ternational standards.
The viewing age, according to comments and feedback, range from 13-65+ years.
Sober and sophisticated 'Rendezvous' has generated a cult audience. Entertaining, inspiring, and thought-provoking, it provides a bridge to a greater understanding of celebrities as human beings.
Episodic Synopsis available here
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